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Monday, June 22, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today we went to Peace Corps headquarters. It was the first time we had ventured from the walls of the nun – run – complex we are staying since we arrived late evening on Tuesday. It seems like we have been here for so long, and at the same time, that time has flown so quickly. Soon enough we will be heading towards our homestays to live with families and begin a very intensive regime of Kiswahili.

Outside the gates, the poverty is apparent. I find myself observing the people to try to understand their mannerisms. I tried to see what the women were wearing, judging my own clothes in hopes that they are not too tight, short, or otherwise revealing. I know that when I am in my homestay and then at my post, the dress will likely be more conservative than here on the outskirts of Dar. I wish I brought longer looser skirts, and looser shirts. Hopefully on Sunday they will let us venture into Dar with PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer) guides and I can buy a kanga (cloth that is used to wrap around other clothing, or as clothing)

Inside the compound everyone is kind and greets you in Kiswahili – which I stop to try to stammer the appropriate reply. When I practice them in class I feel very confident, but when they are presented unexpectedly in a quick practiced tone, I usually end up replying ‘hi’ with an apologetic smile.

Tomorrow is more safety instructions, and now that I have been through town I truly understand the need for it. And immunizations, 4 more shots for me.

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