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Sunday, June 14, 2009


Here I am in Philly, tomorrow I leave from JFK towards Tanzania. The flight will be ~18 hours with a 3 hour layover in Amsterdam (a slight recalculation on my previous estimate)

During our staging we were told that our first 8 days in Dar we will basically be 'compounded in' - not allowed to leave. This, of course, is for our safety. It also prevents us from being able to get internet access, phone access, be able to purchase cellphones (which they said eventually might be an option) or contact home in any way.

So don't worry about me if you don't hear from me for a little while. No news is good news.

I am exhausted, and not looking forward to check-out at 6:30am and getting my immunizations at 7am. Hopefully I'll be able to get a good night of sleep tonight. Goodnight all.

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